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Baginton Parish Council chain of office medal

​Baginton Parish Council aims to serve the entire community of the parish by providing useful services that are value for money. We aim to be both proactive by anticipating the needs of the community, and responsive to issues that parishioners are concerned about.  The Parish Council seeks to engage with all sectors of the community, without privileging any single group, and, in particular, aims to support village organizations.

Meetings are usually held in the Village Hall on the first Thursday of each month at 7.30pm.  A full list of dates can be found on the parish notice boards. Members of the public and press are invited to attend the meetings.

Baginton Parish Council is made up of nine Councillors, as below: -

  • Councillor - Chris Goodwin (Chairman)

  • Councillor - Walter Bush (Vice Chairman)

  • Councillor - Craig Biggerstaff

  • Councillor - Gary Colville

  • Councillor - Roger Horsfall

  • Councillor - Mike Meakin

  • Councillor - Robert Newman

  • Councillor - Andrew Parkes

  • Councillor - Robert Taylor

In addition to the Councillors, the Parish Council is also served by a County Councillor from Warwickshire County Council (Councillor Wallace Redford) and two District Councillors from Warwick District Council (Josh Payne and Pam Redford).

The Parish Council meets on the first Thursday of each month and also hosts the Annual Parish Meeting, which is held in April.  Dates are posted in advance of each meeting on the parish notice boards, where the following full list of dates can also be found.

  • 6 June 2024 @ 7.30 pm

  • 4 July 2024 @ 7.30 pm

  • No meeting in August

  • 5 Sept 2024 @ 7.30 pm

  • 3 Oct 2024 @ 7.30 pm

  • 7 Nov 2024 @ 7.30 pm

  • 5 Dec 2024 @ 7.30 pm

  • 9 Jan 2025 @ 7.30 pm

  • 6 Feb 2025 @ 7.30 pm

  • 6 March 2025 @ 7.30 pm

  • 3 April 2025 @ 7.30 pm

  • 10 April 2025 @ 7.30 pm - Annual Assembly (Parish Meeting)

  • 1 May 2025 @ 7.30 pm - Annual Meeting


This map shows the extent of Baginton parish.

The Council has direct responsibility for the maintenance of the Children's Play Area, the Millennium Field and the maintenance of all Village Greens and grass verges within the village boundary.  It is also a consultee on all planning applications and seeks to represent residents' views on a wide range of local issues.

The Council employs a part-time Clerk to assist with the above.

Provision of Information to the Community

  • The Parish Council makes formal minutes available on the website, once they have been authorised (at the following Council meeting).

  • A short report of the Council’s activities is published in the Baginton Village Newsletter (see the website Home page for the latest issue).

  • The annual report, including summary accounts, is also published on the website and is available from the Clerk.

  • In compliance with the Freedom of Information Act 2000, the Council has adopted and published a publication scheme that sets out which documents are available, how they can be obtained and the rates for copying, where applicable. A copy of the scheme can be found in the Council Documents area of this website or can be obtained by writing to the Parish Clerk.


Opportunities for Community Involvement
In person: each Parish Council meeting has time set aside at each meeting for public participation. The public are not permitted to speak at other times (unless invited to do so by the Chair). Members of the public may question the council on any aspect of its activities at this time for a period of up to 15 minutes. Each person may speak for no more than 3 minutes.
By email: to the Clerk
By mail: to the Clerk. See contact details.


Opportunities for Formal Representations to the Council
Any member of the public, group or business may make formal representation to the Council via letter or email. Formal submissions will be acknowledged by the clerk and decisions made by the Council will be notified to the relevant persons as soon as possible after the Council meeting. Letters requiring a discussion and/or a decision by full council, need to be submitted two weeks before the Parish Council meeting in order to be considered, otherwise they are held over to the next meeting.

Role of Council Members and Officers
Baginton Parish Council has nine Councillors, one of whom is the Chairman and one the Vice Chairman. All Councillors live in the parish and engage with the community on a daily basis to fulfill the roles of the Council in the community.  The entire Council membership stands for election every four years (next due May 2027).

The Parish Clerk is the only part time employee and is also the Responsible Financial Officer for the Council.

Every January, the Council presents a budget to its members for the next financial year. Once the budget has been accepted, the Council formally requests a 'precept' from Warwick District Council. This is the amount that the Council thinks it needs to carry out all its plans for the next year. The precept is included in the Council Tax bill that all households receive. For the 2024/2025 Financial Year the Council's precept is only £18277, so funds are very limited.

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