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Painting by Lionel Bull

The Art Group meet in a friendly atmosphere every Tuesday afternoon in the Village Hall.  The artists use a variety of media to produce their paintings, which are to a high standard. 
The Group welcomes new members as and when vacancies occur. It is desirable that people joining have had some previous painting experience as no formal tuition is available during our sessions.

Members of Baginton Art Group hold an Annual Exhibition in Baginton Village Hall in November, where original works by this group of local artists are on display and most pictures are available for purchase.

Baginton Events logo

Baginton Events is a small group of villagers who meet regularly to plan, organise and fundraise events for our village.  We receive no funding from the local council or any public body and we are heavily reliant on volunteers to help at our events.  We would be very pleased to hear from anybody who is willing to help, just email  

Pea pods

Baginton Gardeners was formed in late 2011 as a response to a wish expressed by villagers in the Parish Plan Survey. Baginton Gardeners is open to anyone in the village and surrounding areas. Some events will be for members only while others will be open to visitors as well. The aim of the group as expressed in the Constitution is “the encouragement and enjoyment of horticulture by such means as the committee may determine and to advise on horticultural matters.” To this end the Committee arrange a varied programme of meetings, visits and activities of interest to all gardeners. These can be found on the Events page

Baginton Gardeners Latest news


Pictogram women holding hands in a circle

Baginton Ladies Friendship Circle - A friendly group of about 40 ladies from Baginton and nearby Coventry meet on the second Wednesday of every other month  at 2.30pm in the Village Hall, where we enjoy comradeship with guest speakers and social gatherings. There is an annual subscription of £25 (2025). Anyone interested is welcome to come as a visitor and get to know us over a cup of tea before deciding to join.

Illustration of hikers on a walk

Baginton Walkers - On the second Tuesday of every month a group of Baginton residents and friends assemble at one of the many village public houses in local Warwickshire to take a walk of about 5 miles. We will assemble at 9.45am for a start at 10 am. The walk will terminate at the pub for a well earned midday meal for those that wish to stay. Members take turns to research the next walk.

Obviously, if the weather is seriously inclement, the walk may be cancelled or deferred to the following week. New walkers are always most welcome. Read more...

Bridge View Light Railway logo

The Bridge View Light Railway is an exciting, new, volunteer run, community project to build and operate a heritage themed miniature railway along the beautiful riverbank of the Sowe at Russells Garden Centre in Baginton Village.

You can enjoy riding the railway on a regular open day, or at our special events – find out more on our website

Come and join our volunteers to make this railway a reality! - We’re not all laying the track. Whatever your skills and regardless of how much time you have, there are many other ways that you can help us build and then enjoy running our new railway. Please feel free to contact us, or visit on an open day and say ‘hi!’ to our friendly group.

Find us online at or on Facebook at

Kaisho Karate logo

Kaisho Karate is a family run club which aims to bring a fun and friendly environment to your karate training. Whether its for fun, or you want to be the very best, Kaisho is the place for you. We encourage confidence, discipline, fitness and fun for everyone from 5yrs old and upwards.

We train at Baginton Village Hall on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5.00pm. If you are interested in joining, and getting your first free session, call 07581 126 279 to secure your slot. You can visit our website for more information.

Sign with text that reads "Lucy Price Relief in Need Charity"

The Lucy Price Relief in Need Charity was initially set up by Lucy Price in 1814 to fund and run the village school; in 1982 the Charity Commissioners restructured the trust into its current structure.

The trust was set up to support Baginton children and young persons up to the age of 25, who are “in need”.

The trustees are very supportive of educational needs and also address cases of hardship brought to their attention. Read more...

Photo of a swimming pool

The Swimming Club meets at Abbey Fields swimming pool on Tuesday evenings during term time for lessons to start at 6pm for one hour.  
All children living in Baginton that are at school are welcome to join us.  
No need to pre-book, turn up on a Tuesday with proof of the child's address and they can start straight away.
If you require any further information please contact Tom Duckham by emailing

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