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St John the Baptist Church Baginton

Gift Aid

If you pay tax, you can increase the value of your gift at no cost to yourself by signing a Gift Aid form which we can supply. This enables us to claim the tax you have paid back from the Inland revenue, an extra 25p for every £1 you give.

If you are a 40% tax payer, you can reclaim higher rate tax on everything you give.

Gift Aid can apply to all money you give to the church except for loose cash. If you give cash, we can still claim back the tax you have paid if you use the envelope scheme or the yellow Gift Aid envelopes in the pews.

Standing Order
This enables you to decide how much you want to give each month and when you want to give it. The church knows how much it is getting, which helps us to plan our budget.

Envelope Scheme
We supply you with weekly envelopes to put into the collection plate when you come to church.


Contact Details for the church: -

Reverend Petrica Bistran 07572 193260 or email

Churchwardens – Dawn Richardson 024 7630 2667 and Catherine Weston 024 7767 6157

Please note that the church cannot be contacted using the contact form on this website.


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