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Sign with text that reads "Lucy Price Relief in Need Charity"

The trust was initially set up by Lucy Price in 1814 to fund and run the village school; in 1982 the Charity Commissioners restructured the trust into its current structure.

The trust was set up to support Baginton children and young persons up to the age of 25, who are “in need”. The trustees are very supportive of educational needs and also address cases of hardship brought to their attention.

It is important that all village families are aware of the benefits that the trust can deliver to children and young persons.


Trustees and contact details

Trustees are appointed by the Baginton Parochial Church Council (two) and Baginton Parish Council (four). Trustees are appointed to serve a period of four years at a time.


Current trustees and contact details for the clerk can be found on the Charity Commission website



Four meetings a year are held to consider grant applications, which are only considered at Trustee meetings. Applications for funds are made on forms that are available from the clerk and any of the trustees.


Financial management

The trust assets are split into two; a capital fund and an income fund. The capital fund is ring fenced and generates income and growth, which is siphoned off into the income fund. The income fund provides the cash to support grant applications. The capital fund is expected to rise in line with inflation each year so that future generations of village children can share the ongoing benefits.



Grants are made for the following categories: -

  • University courses or equivalents

  • A level courses or equivalents

  • School uniform

  • Extra-curricular activities such as music tuition, drama etc

  • Extra-curricular tuition to bring up to national standards

  • School trips

  • Driving lessons

  • Hardship issues

  • Discretionary grants

  • Village swimming club

  • Christmas parties


It is important to emphasise that grants are available to all children and young people up to the age of 25, who live in Baginton. If anyone needs advice on what to claim and how to claim, then please contact a trustee or the clerk to the trust for the necessary support.

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