If you live in one of our three parishes and would like to have your child baptized, please call the Rector to arrange a meeting. This will usually take place at the Vicarage in Ryton. He would like to see both parents if possible, and the child too!
If you live outside Baginton, Bubbenhall and Ryton, we may be able to baptize your child with the agreement of the church in the parish where you live.
Many of us were baptised when we were babies or small children. When we are baptized, promises are made on our behalf by our parents and godparents. Later in life, we may want to make those promises for ourselves as grown-up Christians. At a special service, the Bishop hears us make our promises, lays his hands on us and prays that we will have the strength to keep the promises we have made. This is called Confirmation, and after it we are admitted to receive Holy Communion. In preparation for Confirmation, there are about a dozen weekly sessions of about an hour each at which we learn more about the Christian faith. These Confirmation classes are held about once or twice a year depending on the demand, either at Ryton Vicarage, or in one of the churches, or in someone’s home. If you are interested please contact the Rector.
If you decide to get married in church, there are certain rules that must be followed.
You must have some connection with one of our three churches. If one of you lives in one of our parishes, or if one of you is on the church Electoral Roll, you are entitled to get married in that church. If you have some other connection with tone of our churches that you think may entitle you to get married there, please contact the Rector to discuss the matter.
If one of you has a former partner still living (in other words, you are divorced), that does not necessarily mean that you may not get married in church, but we would want to talk to you before a decision could be made. Again, please contact the Rector to arrange a meeting.
We can arrange a wedding within a month if we have to, but the earlier you get in touch with us the more likely it is that you will get the date and time that you want.
Service of Prayer and Dedication
(Sometimes called a “marriage blessing”). If you decide to get married in a Register Office, or to marry abroad, you may wish to arrange a service of Prayer and Dedication afterwards. This may take place in church or elsewhere and may be as elaborate or as simple as you wish.
Renewal of Vows
Sometimes couples like to renew their marriage vows on an anniversary or following some important event in their lives. Again, we can arrange these in church or elsewhere.
Other Occasions
If you are temporarily or permanently unable to get to church and you would like us to bring you Holy
Communion in your home, please contact us.
If you or a friend or relative is ill, do let us know. We will add your name to our prayer list in church, and you may want to arrange for us to visit.
We have blessed houses when people have moved into them or following a burglary or a fire, we have dedicated places of work and vehicles, fields, allotments, gardens and crops and we have held church services celebrating significant anniversaries of village clubs and organizations. We believe that God is interested in every aspect of people’s lives, and we would be honoured to be a part of your family occasion or group celebration.
Contact Details for the church: -
Reverend Petrica Bistran 07572 193260 or email revpbistran@gmail.com
Churchwardens – Dawn Richardson 024 7630 2667 and Catherine Weston 024 7767 6157
Please note that the church cannot be contacted using the contact form on this website.